

6 October 2022

Report of the Director of Public Health


Portfolio of the Executive Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health


Director of Public Health Annual Report 2020-2022




1.        The Director of Public Health annual report offers the opportunity to stand back from the day to day work being carried out by the Council’s public health team and other partners and gain a different perspective on the state of the health of people living in York. In this report I have chosen to focus on the COVID-19 pandemic and some of the impacts of this on our city. 


2.        As we tell the story of COVID-19, we will interweave past and present, reflecting on the story of our most recent pandemic while using the historical narratives of past infectious disease outbreaks, such as the Black Death of 1349.  I hope that these stories from the past will resonate with some of the experiences we have lived through over the past two years, giving them new meaning.




The Executive are asked to approve the publication of the report, subject to the correction of typographical errors and any formatting issues.


Reason: To meet the statutory duty as set out in the Health and Social Care Act 2012.




3.        The production of a Director of Public Health Annual Report is a statutory duty set out in the Health and Social Care Act 2012. The local authority Director of Public Health has a duty to produce an independent annual report in their role as the chief advocate for the health of the local population, and the local authority has a duty to publish it.


4.        In common with most local authorities, there was no annual report produced in 2021 because of the COVID-19 pandemic and so this year’s report covers the two year period 2020-2022.




5.        The report is for information only and therefore no consultation has been undertaken.




6.        There are no options for the Executive to consider, Members are asked to receive the report and agree to its publication.




7.        There are no options to consider and therefore no analysis is made.   


Council Plan


8.        There are no proposals to consider.




9.        There are no specialist implications arising from the report.


Risk Management


10.  There are no known risks associated with the recommendations in this report.


Contact Details



Sharon Stoltz

Director of Public Health




Chief Officer Responsible for the report:

Sharon Stoltz

Director of Public Health


Report Approved



Date 27/09/2022



Wards Affected:  List wards or tick box to indicate all







For further information please contact the author of the report






Annex 1 – Draft Director of Public Health Annual Report 2020-2022